Games Like Go Go Gourmet

Go-Go Gourmet. Game » consists of 0 releases. Released Feb 20, 2008. Go-Go Gourmet. Go-Go Gourmet. First release date: February 20, 2008. Release Date. Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Go-Go Gourmet is your secret to culinary indulgence. Blending the classic fun of seek-and-find gameplay with the frantic challenge of time management, this game cooks up a new kind of casual cuisine. Find ingredients, whip up recipes and juggle hungry customers while working with some of the nuttiest restaurateurs in town.


Games Like Go Go Gourmet Chef Of The Year

Games Like Go Go Gourmet
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Time Management >

Games Like Go Go Gourmet Pizza

Search, sauté, and serve your way to gastronomic greatness! Go-Go Gourmet puts you in the heat of the kitchen with hidden object and time management gameplay, all rolled into one! Find ingredients, whip-up recipes, and juggle hungry customers as you quickly and efficiently toggle between orders to prepare more than one request at a time! With 7 uniquely themed restaurants and more than 25 unlockable upgrades, Go-Go Gourmet will leave you hungry for more!
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OS: Win XP,Vista Memory: 256 MB DirectX: 8.0 or later CPU: P8003Video: 32MB VC

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